Monday, March 16, 2009
Well, here it is Monday, and it has been a week or so since I last posted. I am not doing very well at keeping up with this "journal" idea I had. Story of my life! I just saw on the news, (hadn't watched much of that either) that our government can do absolutely NOTHING about the gazillions of bailout dollars that the American taxpayers are paying to the AIG execs who think they should still get their bonuses! Can you believe it? We bailed them out of their own big stinking mess and now they want us to give them their bonuses. On top of that Barney Rubble, I mean Frank, is "looking into it" but is saying basically that the government's hands are tied and legally there is probably nothing they can do. Timothy Geitner our esteemed Treasury Secretary, who amazingly forgot to pay his taxes for I don't know how long, can't do anything either. How about you Barak? Can you do anything? Why can't we just take the money back and let the chips fall where they will????? I am so mad right now. There you have it! We can send a man to the stinking moon, but can't stop AIG from giving OUR money to those who are probably the most responsible for our current situation. Incredible! More on this later....Avery is calling!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
I haven't written anything for a while...too busy. I started reading a book my nephew gave to John, (my soon to be graduated from high school) son. He suggested that I read it first and then pass it on to John. It is amazing. It is called, How To Stay Christian In College by: J. Budziszewski. I want to share an excerpt from Chapter 2...
God is like nothing we could have imagined.
God is utterly other than us - other in a way we express with the word holiness. Yes, He dwells within each Christian, but He's not you. He isn't the same as you, He isn't a part of you, and He isn't a "higher" you. (Sorry Oprah - my comment!) Yes, you're made in His image, but you're not Him. You're not the same as Him, you're not a part of Him, and you aren't a "splinter" of Him - nor will you ever be. He doesn't depend on anything else because He is what everything else depends on. He can't be explained by anything else because He is what everything else must be explained by. Although we can know what He has taught us about Himself, we can never comprehend him completely because He is greater than our minds. Anything He wills, He can do. He not only holds the supreme power but He also uses it. Nothing can defeat Him and nothing can happen contrary to His will. He is also supremely good - light with no darkness. Although evil is real, He detests it and brings it to judgment. He knows everything, He pays attention to everything, and nothing escapes His notice. He's not just a What and a Who, like me or like you, but one What in three Whos - one God in three persons: father, Son and Holy Spirit. There is no one like Him. He is set apart. He is what he is, and there was never a time when He was not. Isn't that amazing? I love it when something so deep and mind boggling is explained well, and in a nutshell! If anyone is out there reading this, who doesn't know this awesome God that you just read about, I encourage you to "seek the Lord while He may be found, call upon Him while He is near. (Isaiah 55:6) God Bless!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Last night ended the basketball season for Saint Jo. I know in the grand scheme of things, that may seem small and insignificant, especially in light of all that is going on in our world these days. But since the season started, I have enjoyed an hour or so, twice a week, watching my boy use his God-given talents along with the others on the team. Week after week, I would be thoroughly entertained, filled with love and beaming with pride for this person who I had a part in creating. The love and pride I had was not just for my own son, but for all of the boys; some I have known since they were in Kindergarten and some since they were born. I love them all so much and three of them, including my son, will not be out there next year. My sadness regarding the end of this basketball season runs deeper than just basketball. My husband and I are fast approaching a new season in our lives - one that will not include our only son living under our roof and I am struggling with this. I know he is filled with excitement about his future. I am too, it is just a little bittersweet....ok a lot bittersweet, and if I'm being honest (do I sound like Simon Cowell?) I am not liking this at all! I'm not ready! This is all moving too fast! There is consolation in knowing that he will be in good hands. God is in control and I know He works all things together for our good. So I mustn't worry or fret - just trust.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
I am a little nervous today! Tomorrow evening my son will be playing in what could be his last high school basketball game. This will be the third game of the playoffs. Saint Jo has never progressed this far in the history of the school. The whole town is so excited. The police department, fire department and fans, sent them off from the square last Friday evening with sirens screaming, fan's cheering and lots of signs waving! However, I wasn't there. I forgot about it completely. I remember hearing the sirens and thinking, I sure hope they can put that fire out! I am so happy to have the opportunity to be present at the send-off tomorrow afternoon. I have prayed for the season not to end. My friend (whom I love dearly) told me that God doesn't care about us winning a basketball game. He has more important things to think about. I respectfully disagree! Not that He doesn't have more pressing matters to attend to, but that He cares about basketball and little things, because He cares for me! I read in Psalm 56:7-9 "You number my wanderings; Put my tears into Your bottle; Are they not in Your book?" and in Matthew 10:30 He says, "But the very hairs of your head are all numbered."
Finally, in 1 Peter 5:7 "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. And besides, I really just prayed for the boys to play to the very best of their ability and to play with good sportsmanship and above all - that God would be glorified through their attitudes and use of their God-given abilities and skills. I choose to believe that He does care about the little things that are important to us. I love that He knows how many hairs I have on my head and that all that I do is written in His book (some of which I am sure I will be ashamed of when I stand before Him one day. Thank goodness for the gift of salvation and Christ's completed work on the cross) and that He has a bottle for my tears. I am so grateful that He instructs me to give Him my cares, the things I worry about, the things I am excited about, etc. . . Isn't God so amazing? I will post the results of tomorrows game - believing that no matter what the outcome, God cared about it.
Can you believe it is Tuesday already? Have a warm, cozy's suppose to warm up today here in North Texas! Ye Haw!
Finally, in 1 Peter 5:7 "casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you. And besides, I really just prayed for the boys to play to the very best of their ability and to play with good sportsmanship and above all - that God would be glorified through their attitudes and use of their God-given abilities and skills. I choose to believe that He does care about the little things that are important to us. I love that He knows how many hairs I have on my head and that all that I do is written in His book (some of which I am sure I will be ashamed of when I stand before Him one day. Thank goodness for the gift of salvation and Christ's completed work on the cross) and that He has a bottle for my tears. I am so grateful that He instructs me to give Him my cares, the things I worry about, the things I am excited about, etc. . . Isn't God so amazing? I will post the results of tomorrows game - believing that no matter what the outcome, God cared about it.
Can you believe it is Tuesday already? Have a warm, cozy's suppose to warm up today here in North Texas! Ye Haw!
Monday, March 2, 2009
a little to say about nothing.....
I am feeling a little blah today. It's a cloudy and coldish, kind of dismal looking, a little on the depressing side kind of day. I know that God's Word says that we are to" rejoice always, and again, I say rejoice"...I am just off to a slow start (and it's almost 5 p.m.) He probably said it twice like that for days just like this. Don't get me wrong, I am so glad to be right where I am; physically, spiritually, geographically. I just prefer sunny, warmer days. Is there anyone out there? If so, have a wonderful Monday - what's left of it!
Sunday, March 1, 2009
7 - Day Challenge
Today Church was amazing. Our pastor started a blog called the 7 - Day Challenge. Each day he is going to put scripture up on the site, discuss it and has asked us to read, study and comment on the blog about how this particular verse applies to our lives right now. Neat huh? If anyone is interested, you can go to and take the challenge.
I think I am talking only to myself right now. But, it's a bit therapeutic - like a journal. I have always wanted to journal, have even started a couple, but never followed through. Maybe this will be easier. I type really fast - 90 wpm back in the day, so this is much easier than writing by hand.
Two weeks ago, an old friend of my daughters' came by the house. He recently went through a divorce. I think he just needed someone to talk to. I don't really understand why he chose me, but I am so glad he did. I told him about the movie, Fireproof. I also gave him my copy of Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas - a must read for married people, or for people who someday hope to be married. I invited him to church (he isn't going anywhere) and told him I would pray for he and his ex-wife. I did. I shared with him that the movie helped my brother-in-law and his wife, as well as, my sister and her husband. Two marriages that were in serious trouble and by all worldly accounts over, were turned around because of a movie - go figure. In reality though, God uses whatever He can to get our attention.....don't you think? Anyway, the young man came by again today to tell me that he had rented the movie, invited his ex-wife over to watch it. They watched it, but he said he didn't think it had or will have an affect on her. She seemed unmoved from her decision. I told him that I knew God could do anything and to just keep an open mind and keep praying for her. He is going to read the book as well. I hope I gave him the right advice. You know, you stick your neck out a bit giving advice....what if it's the wrong advice and it hurts instead of helps? I guess all you can do is give it in love and give it through the lense of scripture. Meaning, I know that God hates divorce and just because people get divorced does not mean that he cannot put their marriage back together again. And, He CAN DO ANYTHING!! Finally, I shared with him Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose"- what an amazing scripture - and so evident in my own life - especially looking back. You see where you were in a tough spot, but somehow, someway, God turns that around for your good. I was divorced (not my choice) but now I can't imagine where I would be if it hadn't happened. I now have a wonderful, godly husband, who loves the Lord, and had two more children who I cannot imagine my life without. So even when we go through really bad situations, I think I finally understand from actually looking back, that God ultimately will turn that bad situation around for our good and will use it to possibly help another person going through something similar. Isn't that neat?
Well I have rambled on long enough....have a beautiful Sunday!
I think I am talking only to myself right now. But, it's a bit therapeutic - like a journal. I have always wanted to journal, have even started a couple, but never followed through. Maybe this will be easier. I type really fast - 90 wpm back in the day, so this is much easier than writing by hand.
Two weeks ago, an old friend of my daughters' came by the house. He recently went through a divorce. I think he just needed someone to talk to. I don't really understand why he chose me, but I am so glad he did. I told him about the movie, Fireproof. I also gave him my copy of Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas - a must read for married people, or for people who someday hope to be married. I invited him to church (he isn't going anywhere) and told him I would pray for he and his ex-wife. I did. I shared with him that the movie helped my brother-in-law and his wife, as well as, my sister and her husband. Two marriages that were in serious trouble and by all worldly accounts over, were turned around because of a movie - go figure. In reality though, God uses whatever He can to get our attention.....don't you think? Anyway, the young man came by again today to tell me that he had rented the movie, invited his ex-wife over to watch it. They watched it, but he said he didn't think it had or will have an affect on her. She seemed unmoved from her decision. I told him that I knew God could do anything and to just keep an open mind and keep praying for her. He is going to read the book as well. I hope I gave him the right advice. You know, you stick your neck out a bit giving advice....what if it's the wrong advice and it hurts instead of helps? I guess all you can do is give it in love and give it through the lense of scripture. Meaning, I know that God hates divorce and just because people get divorced does not mean that he cannot put their marriage back together again. And, He CAN DO ANYTHING!! Finally, I shared with him Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose"- what an amazing scripture - and so evident in my own life - especially looking back. You see where you were in a tough spot, but somehow, someway, God turns that around for your good. I was divorced (not my choice) but now I can't imagine where I would be if it hadn't happened. I now have a wonderful, godly husband, who loves the Lord, and had two more children who I cannot imagine my life without. So even when we go through really bad situations, I think I finally understand from actually looking back, that God ultimately will turn that bad situation around for our good and will use it to possibly help another person going through something similar. Isn't that neat?
Well I have rambled on long enough....have a beautiful Sunday!
Friday, February 27, 2009
I have a friend, Jill K., (I abbreviate as I can never remember how to spell her last name) who is a blogger. I became interested in blogging after reading some of her "stuff." I really have no idea what I am doing, so bear with me.
I have 4 beautiful children and a 4 year old granddaughter. The two grown daughters are so precious. One is raising my beautiful granddaughter and the other is marring her elementary school sweetheart in May. My only son, is graduating from high school this May, and our youngest,( thank goodness is still at home) is a beautiful 12 year old girl and is amazing. I can't believe how fast time has flown by since they were born....if anyone is reading this who has young children..... do not, I repeat, do not waste the time you have with those little people! I have tried not to, and am sure at times, I've failed. It's true what your mother told you, or at least what mine use to tell me, it really does go by way too fast and before you know it you are ordering graduation announcements, filling out scholarship info, and planning a wedding, wondering all the while how empty your big 100 year old house is going to seem when they are gone. Enjoy the time with your babies and don't wish away each stage. Each stage is a gift. What I wouldn't give for a 2 A.M. feeding again.... so, enjoy them!
I have 4 beautiful children and a 4 year old granddaughter. The two grown daughters are so precious. One is raising my beautiful granddaughter and the other is marring her elementary school sweetheart in May. My only son, is graduating from high school this May, and our youngest,( thank goodness is still at home) is a beautiful 12 year old girl and is amazing. I can't believe how fast time has flown by since they were born....if anyone is reading this who has young children..... do not, I repeat, do not waste the time you have with those little people! I have tried not to, and am sure at times, I've failed. It's true what your mother told you, or at least what mine use to tell me, it really does go by way too fast and before you know it you are ordering graduation announcements, filling out scholarship info, and planning a wedding, wondering all the while how empty your big 100 year old house is going to seem when they are gone. Enjoy the time with your babies and don't wish away each stage. Each stage is a gift. What I wouldn't give for a 2 A.M. feeding again.... so, enjoy them!
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