Monday, March 2, 2009

a little to say about nothing.....

I am feeling a little blah today. It's a cloudy and coldish, kind of dismal looking, a little on the depressing side kind of day. I know that God's Word says that we are to" rejoice always, and again, I say rejoice"...I am just off to a slow start (and it's almost 5 p.m.) He probably said it twice like that for days just like this. Don't get me wrong, I am so glad to be right where I am; physically, spiritually, geographically. I just prefer sunny, warmer days. Is there anyone out there? If so, have a wonderful Monday - what's left of it!

1 comment:

jill jill bo bill said...

I am here, only on Tuesday. I am always late. I just winter to end so I can quit freezing.

