Thursday, March 5, 2009


Last night ended the basketball season for Saint Jo. I know in the grand scheme of things, that may seem small and insignificant, especially in light of all that is going on in our world these days. But since the season started, I have enjoyed an hour or so, twice a week, watching my boy use his God-given talents along with the others on the team. Week after week, I would be thoroughly entertained, filled with love and beaming with pride for this person who I had a part in creating. The love and pride I had was not just for my own son, but for all of the boys; some I have known since they were in Kindergarten and some since they were born. I love them all so much and three of them, including my son, will not be out there next year. My sadness regarding the end of this basketball season runs deeper than just basketball. My husband and I are fast approaching a new season in our lives - one that will not include our only son living under our roof and I am struggling with this. I know he is filled with excitement about his future. I am too, it is just a little bittersweet....ok a lot bittersweet, and if I'm being honest (do I sound like Simon Cowell?) I am not liking this at all! I'm not ready! This is all moving too fast! There is consolation in knowing that he will be in good hands. God is in control and I know He works all things together for our good. So I mustn't worry or fret - just trust.

1 comment:

jill jill bo bill said...

I was a basketcase from Feb til May. Now I am so nervous they will find where we moved....just jokin!! I really do know what you are feeling. He will do great. Love ya girl!!!!

